Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our Movie Night

For the whole of last week, everyone in Twitterverse tweeted about movie nights. So I thought I should blog about it instead.

Note to self, do not follow other people to have marathon movie nights- because the movies we invariably choose can be such mindf*^ks that we need time to digest. Or rather we need loads of stamina to sit through them.

Forget The Wings of The Dove. That was good, much better than the rather dry book. It was enjoyable on screen. Besides the plot, we also loved the 'costumes' of that era. But we were itching to get something surreal on the screen.

We were glued to the silent science fiction film Metropolis. It was mesmerizing. All of 1927's technology. Fritz Lang's vision then was already amazing. Then discovery of lost footage gave it a 2002 restoration. In that version on Youtube, The New Pollutants added soundtracks and re-scored it. So we moved all Youtube clips from the computer screens to the big-ass 60-inch plasma screen. Smokes. It was so cool! Almost trippy.

I was so fixated on unravelling the 1927 Metropolis that I couldn't stay focused on the film after. Luckily there were giant tubs of Tillamook's chocolate peanut butter, marionberry pie, oregon strawberry and expresso mocha to help freeze our brains. We can't wait to watch Frankenweenie next. I certainly hope it'll be as cute as the title sounds.

We picked The Nines. Very much easier to understand than Primer (I had to watch it twice!), The Nines was not ideal for a mind that was still trying to wrap itself around Metropolis. Plus I forgot to read the synopsis before putting it on. Gaah. It was g.o.o.d. In 3 parts, the stories were intertwined. till the HitchHiker brought the protagonist home to where he couldn't, in a nutshell, screw up the worlds.


Cavalock said...

yr first time watching metropolis? man, i luv that movie. i just luv silent movies. even docu footage from the late 19th cent.

Dawn said...

Simian LOVVVES Primer. Loooves. I haven't seen it yet.

mistipurple said...

i cannot last through two consecutive movies. i'm hopeless.

imp said...

cavalock: yup! i never actually sat down to watch it proper. thought it was quite quite cool.

dawn: WAHH. he'd love it for sure! try! see if u like it!

mistipurple: must train. heh.