Monday, July 20, 2009

Phsar Chas

In the evening, the Old Market (Phsar Chas) in Phnom Penh was filled with locals, plenty of noise and excited chatter.

What I liked was- it didn't sell too many idiotic things for the tourists. It was a bustling market filled with locals who'd go to buy their usual stuff or soak up the atmosphere.

I meandered to the southern end where a stage had been set up. I guess there would be a performance there later, but I didn't stay to check it out. The PA system just played hip hop, R & B. The adults were just milling around. But the little kids at the front were actually trying to dance hip hop to the music! So fun! Not too sure if the sheer volume of the speakers would be of any good to the little ears.

Further on, there were plenty of food stalls that sold terribly colorful things that I wanted to try but didn't have the stomach for it. The square in front of the food stalls were laid with plastic sheets and people simply sat down and had their food. A picnic of sorts, if you will.


mistipurple said...

we sat like this and ate on the streets, forty years back.

mistipurple said...

miss those days.

imp said...

mistipurple: WAHHH. i honestly can't imagine eating like that, really. i don't think i can...