When it arrived, I removed that slab of butter and took a bite. It was well done of course. A tad rubbery. Definitely wasn't great, but I was hungry. So it didn't turn out as bad as I thought. Sure, this particular menu on the route was created by Matthew Moran of Aria. But he didn't cook this nor could he vouch for the flavors after re-heating. Ah. How different his creations tasted on the plane and when we were seated at Aria itself.
The stewardess clad in red surprised me by asking how the steak was. Usually, they would enquire after the meal in general. They wouldn't ask about anything specific such as the food because they knew it wouldn't be fantastic no matter how. Weakly, I pipped, "Better than I thought." And she went into fake laughter. I got the goosebumps.
5 small pieces of steak were all I could take. I was happier with the dessert of cheese and fruit, especially those seedless purple grapes.
I wanted the cabin lights to go off quick so that I could stare at the night sky and admire those pretty stars again.
For some reason, my tolerance for cattle-class planefood is quite high.
And I always have the soft spot for bun and butter. More please! ;)
My tummy closes up on board planes.
lilsnooze: i cannot. ugh. but yes, bun and butter are good!
ice: same same. if not for gnawing hunger, i wouldn't even bother. i like the fruit and salad.
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