The family doctor's medication and nasal spray didn't clear up the blocked ears. There isn't a fever- the family doctor didn't think the ears are infected. But the man isn't too sure if it's a good thing. But 3 days of compromised hearing are all he could tolerate. Worried for his ears, the man zoomed straight to the ENT specialist for a scope and a more thorough check.
Thank goodness he did. He showed me the video of the scope. The middle ears are badly infected, gooey and all swollen. If he had chosen to wait any longer and hope for the best, it might not recover and the compromised hearing would become permanent.
He's been prescribed 10 days of steriods and 5 days of antibiotics, plus a follow-up next week. Poor thing. I blinked at the ENT specialist's bill. Did he increase his prices??! All good though. Luckily the infection is discovered early. It can be nipped without irreversible damage. Whew.
that price compared to permanent damage - not too high. good that he followed his instinct and went to the specialist!
small price to pay for healthy ears. send my regards to the man!
Oh no! Good thing it's treated early! Hope he gets well soon!!
kikare: healthcare in sgp is still affordable. whew. this is low compared to many places in europe and US.
nuttyjas: i will. thanks!
yuling: should be all good by next week!
Oh my goodness. How did the ear infection come about? Thank goodness he went to the ENT. I hope he'll have a speedy recovery.
Good gawd! Thank goodness that's caught early! and good thing you can go directly to a specialist there. Not like here.
Take care!
oh geez...fortunately to haf dem check b4 it's too late...compared to monetary wise, health is much more impt yea =D
Kudos to his instinct!! Weather's been really cranky too! Take care!
Oh no! Poor Planetofsound. Hope he's better!
jomel: from a cold. usually when i get bad colds, my ears r blocked. but they're ok after a day.
kachunknorge: that convenience is definitely appreciated on this little red dot.
ice: yes. thanks!!!
mochalatte + pebbles: healthwise, no choice, must spend money.
dawn: no difference today it seems, need a couple of days more for the swelling to go down.
phew. must be quite an harrowing exp for the man. can't imagine if he had ignored it.
really a small price to pay.
moo: yah man. being kiasu and kiasi do help! :p
eeeks. luckily he went check. can't imagine otherwise. wish his ears speedy recovery!
tuti: thanks!
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