The friends' texted, "We kept ours on for 2 days! Then we chucked it into the drawer for good! We can't even fit into the bands now. Do better than us!" I grinned. It's been a week. I'm still not used to the rings. The man, on the other hand, seems to have done better. He has no issues with wearing the band to jam sessions and to do whatever that is he does at the gym.
The weight of the platinum isn't just literal. It's also metaphoric of the gravity of the legally binding contract/s we've signed. However, the state of being married doesn't make me happier or delirious with joy. I feel normal. In fact, I'm still more than slightly annoyed at the mountain of legal paperwork we've to comb through.
Prior to the wedding day, I wasn't at all nervous or particularly thrilled. We picked the wedding date simply because it was the most convenient opening in both our calendars and especially because by chance, many of our good friends who don't live in Singapore are back for short stints this October.
People around us seem to be happier to have us married. For some reason, knowing we're married seems to make people comfortable. We don't really care. I think we prefer to forget that we are married. To us, the wedding day was simply an occasion to ink an agreement to become legal partners with allocated rights recognized under Singapore laws. The essence of our relationship should remain the same. There shouldn't be such a thing of being more deeply in love or anything like that. It is the relationship that needs to be nurtured and nothing else.
By no means, our definition of marriage conforms to the majority's definition of marriage. In fact, I resent labelling the man as 'my husband'. He's simply 'my partner'. And this is how I shall introduce him, either by that or by his name.
I'm glad the wedding has been done on my/our terms and conditions. That made it perfect. However, the legal state of our relationship doesn't change a damn thing. We are still us. We're not going to preach to anyone about the wonders of marriage because we don't view it that way. The wonder is in the relationship and being in love; not justified by a single stupid piece of legislation that does nothing for our state of mind, but pisses me off in every detail in amending paperwork, forms and whathaveyous.
If these sort of posts interest you, click on the label/tag 'Ketubah'. You might find some fairly new content in there. However, comments for those new-old posts are closed. Comments are only enabled in this current post.
now go be yourself all over again with your partner.
Get over it already, if it's not that important to you, why do you keep talking about how not impt it is to you? You got your man/partner, well done.
Congrats :)
sinlady: :) you'd understand, i know.
dawn: babe. i blame this state of affairs entirely on you. :p
anon@7.20pm: my blog, my words. they're for friends who understand the rationale behind our decision. not for strangers who only skim the superficial surface. i could turn this blog private. but i haven't done so. not yet. so if you derive sadistic pleasure from reading, form your own private opinions. don't leave senseless comments on this blog. alternatively, don't read it if you don't like it. your strong reaction amuses me. this wedding is important to me. have you read it so wrong as to assume otherwise? if you think that a wedding is about getting a man, then you are so pathetic. so i will leave your comment here for all to read.
You are right that many are happy for you my dear :) Even R is very much so! hugs
Yes, we are all happy for you both! Wooo, platinum is nice! I like the chunkiness of your ring, very nice!
Babe, thrilled for you :) May u both grow in your own individuals way flourish with the love you both have for each other!
Happy Matrimon!
I mean * Happy Matrimony* !!
Congrats again :)
Congrats again babe!! A blissful one to both of you! =)
I hope i'm not the last. I've missed out on so much since the arrival of T. CONGRATS!
Oh so sweet! Congrats!!
Oh I'm so sorry imp! I seem to have missed the older "ketubah" posts!
Marriage is never about a contract but a convenant... convenant that bind 2 pp who make a commitment to each other base on mutual love and trust... not like a contract which is a based on mutual distrust... it's a joy, not cos it's for others to see but also to both of you who love each other... as cliche as it is, sometimes we all need a lil celebration now and then just to remember how lovely is the other person. Congrats there :)
All I want to know is what dress you wore :P
:) I would hv glady volunteered and trained nat to be the ring-bearer for u, as a gift. Wahaha. ;)
My bff who did her thing in the US, wanted to update her status from single to married after the deed, but ended up being told that there wasn't a need, as she doesnt 'own' anything w her partner in SG, and thus no need for the records to be updated (actually, maybe there is no such records being kept, if u dont do it locally via ROM...)
So yeap, it was just a formality for them as well. :)
Nothing changes in their r/s.
Im sure it will be the same for u too.
a beautiful day to remember.
my wishes to you both for continued understanding and love in this relationship. cheers!
I must say I'm surprised, but I'm happy for you. :)
Hey, congrats!! Really happy for you because I can really feel how much you two care about each other after lurking here for so long.
Your marriage is about you and him so it's really wonderful that the wedding was done on your condition, conventional or otherwise.
Ahhhh....now some of the previous posts is finally making some sense to me =)
Congrats again, nice bit of news to end the weekend n start the new week. <^;^>
congratulations again! some of your earlier posts make more sense now :) your honeymoon plans sound super meaningful - enjoy!
corsage + yuling: thanks ladies. The man picked out the bands. Figured that he should decide since it's always easier for a girl to pick a pretty band. Not easy for a guy to pick one that he likes!
nuttyjas + elaine + cherie + lovexlb + tuti: many thanks ladies!
ice: no no! I was sneaky and didn't publish those 'older' posts till today!
liverella: agreed. i like how you've put it- a covenant.
eveline: i wore BLACK lah! one of those severe ones from Hugo Boss.
lms: WAHHH! he will be such a cute ring bearer! i shall take inspiration frm your bff!
wildgoose: all the friends' jaws dropped. hahaha. they wondered what sort of halloween trick it was!
supercoati: hey, look at you and your husband. we take inspiration frm that and esp how you bring up your boys. COOL parents you guys are!
cavalock: something nice. but i plunge into a CRAZY work week. hehehehe. i can't believe that we actually pulled it off. thanks!
beanbean: i guess it's something we want to do frm our hearts! :) all you clever girls can read between the lines!
Imp, congrats once again.. I've enjoyed reading the Ketubah posts, thank you for sharing them with us. That cake is really a beautiful gesture, truly from someone who cares deeply about you and yours. You are so blessed indeed, and may you continue to be blessed. :)
ME??? what did I have to do with anything?
Auspiciously I never miss a thing! Stacks of good wishes you got there. And I'm sojourning here to shower you with the best wishes too...!!! Wat a marvelous life you've lead :)
i feel ur bliss n tons of congrats..!! I will agree to everione tat marriage does not only certified in legal paperwrks or superficially please other pesky ppl ard..but it's a 100% significant occasion to celebrate 2 lovely personalities wif respected mutual trust n love..Love is beyond the eye of a beholder ma..I love it wen u mention u wore black.. ;)
Aww..Hope I'm not too late!! Wishing you tons and tons of happiness!!
A bit belated, but congratulations! So so SOOOO happy for both of you!
Yup, its important to continue being yourself with your partner. And I love your ring too! :-)
hey girl, happy for you :)
The coward threatens when he is safe.
Author: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Cowards always hide behind the mask of anonymity and so does envy.
danke...for sharing snippets of the day with us all...such a treat! felt like we was there! =)
Love your attitude of not blowing a wedding out of porportion. Congrats! :D
dawn: you've everything to do with ANYthing! :D
celcilia + pebbles + fen + juphelia + mochalatte + jomel: thanks ladies!
belinda: so right you are.
eveeleva: you more special! you get the full picture (s)! literally!
Frou: trying to keep it to minimal fusss!!!!
Congrats to both your partner and you. This is one of the gd news that I have read this year and a nice way to end the year on a beautiful note since both of you are great individuals.
Beautiful wedding band that your partner has chosen for you.
Really happy for both of you. :-)
I'm trying v hard to think of something besides congratulations but the rusty old mind is not working... so congrats to the man and you!
Ha, our bands are both in the boxes now. And now we're getting too used to "no bands".
Hi there,
I have been lurking around your bloggie for a while and have read about your views on weddings and marriage. Your decision to legalize the relationship with the partner is such a surprise... a very sweet surprise I say! Congrats!! :)
Oh... did you wear the black dress with the hairpiece you made for the wedding? Nice.. heh
iceaster: i must end the year on an even nicer note!
moo: we'll see how long ours will last!
dreamlaughlive: oh yes. i put on the fascinator and wore black. :) i still haven't changed much of my opinions about it. i feel like i copped out! but i guess i'm not feeling the way alot of women feel when they marry. i view it purely as an important legal procedure. much like any other decision i make at work or in life.
Congrats! Your wedding day was meaningful and beautiful. Happy for you :)
Oh you mean there was another reason to get married? Or wait, you don't see the concept of tying your legal personalities together as romantic? What are you? Some kind of humbug? :)
Congratulations!!! <3
indeed, it is just a formality because as you've said the relationship is the essence. happy for you that you've done it in your own terms. "congratulations" sounds a little wrong, since the signature you just did is of little significance to you except for future legal conveniences, so i shall wish that "May both of you have a blessed future together". :)
What a lovely celebration! Simple, and intimate with folks who matter. May you both grow old together.
le sigh..i suppose most ladies will tot of a fairytale wedding..but urs break the cliche tradition of 'all whites'..hmm how long can we keep the white gown..or call it a heirloom..? unless it's Vera Wang hehe..I will also insist mine a full Balmain in future hurhur =P
Imp.. I totally agree that a wedding does not change much in a relationship. Many pple have the impression that the wedding day is the most important day in a gal's life - I beg to differ but too bad, I only realised how meaningless the whole wedding shebang thing is after I went through my own!!
Anyhows, I like the way you did it - very lovely and meaningful. I am sure you both will have many more good years ahead! :)
I'm a little late, but congratulations! :)
dawn: we're hardly romantics! no! I sit in my lofty tower and see it clearly beyond all weddings and marriages down to the basic little pebble of a relationship. wahahahah. sue me already!
shuhuiii + coboypb: thanks!
D: thanks D. you know.:) we did this so that people who love us are made happy.
MG: we hope to work on the relationship some more and grow together!
dreamlaughlive: thanks for the wishes!
mochalatte: heh. i've never thought about wearing white wedding gowns. or any sort at all. not even as a little girl. i hated Barbies. I loved Transformers and Mask.
suntaneye: not at all late! thanks babe!
Congratulations :)
Love the hairpiece, love the rings and most importantly, love the intimate celebration of love!
PS: I watched transformers and x-men when i was a kid...my little pony was a tad boring. ;)
Wow marriage is already changing you - it's killing your irony alert :P
Hmmm... i somehow missed the ketubah posts.
Stomping was good! you both must have had thick (strike)hides(/strike) soles.
either a Transformer/Gundam + Alexander Mcqueen or a gothic Frankenstein bride will b great hehe..i dun like sappy 'machiam-idol-drama' ones..no Kleenex included haha.. =P
So many comments! You are well loved. I have missed out so much on your blog.
So was there a proposal? Eh, show some pics of the day leh.
i am bursting with happiness for you and your man. i like calling him "the man". nothing but my best wishes on your continued journey towards a lifetime of happiness. and yes, i kaypoh'd to read the rest of the posts. :D
kachunknorge: ha. you didn't miss them. i snucked them in only a week after.
mochalatte: ha! we shld have done it on halloween! more costumes to play with!
hobomobo: haha. there was no proposal. i proposed. it was more like a business negotiation!
M + geesmo + yann: thanks babes!
So I read, after I posted the comment.
Trust you to have a negotiation and to wear a black dress for your wedding. Very cool and very you! :)
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