Only for the bff would I be willing to step into the shopping belt on a weekend. She was also on a mission to stock up toiletries and supplies. I mean, she bought towels. Nice big fluffy towels.
Toting large bags to contain all the shopping, the bff dragged me up and down Orchard Road all afternoon.
She oohed and ahhed over how cheap things at home are. She really misses home, I think. She told me that a S$17 book at Kinokuniya would cost S$32 in her adopted country for the now. The S$3.90 vaseline lip tube she favors costs a whopping S$12. EEPS.
We bought plenty of stuff. I did try looking at dresses. I'm supposed to get a dress for this event that I very much prefer to turn up in jeans. But Dawn bribed me with an apple pie, so I'm sorta obliged to fulfil my end of the bargain by wearing a dress now. Whatever I saw today was horrid. Too many complicated designs. Well, I forgot to hop into my favorite Laundry at Wisma and Hugo Boss at Ngee Ann City. I guess those 2 shops might stock what I like. Without a dress, there is no way I could get a matching pair of Louboutins. We walked into the shop, strolled one round and left. They had nothing new in stock. The shoe cabinet already has the usual boring patent ones in black, mauve and nude. I hate satin, crystals and ribbons. But we did buy other types of shoes!! Very comfy Flats!! We hopped into Camper and were thrilled that the discount shelf of 40% had shoes we liked in our respective sizes! Score!!!
I like this October very much. Most of my bestest pals are home for a couple of weeks. I really like having the bff around. Being more anal than I am, she has this amazing mean sort of wit and black humor that totally puts everything in perspective. When I think a little harder, I realize that all my closest girlfriends share the same sort of snarky humor. Gwen, Natalia, Fern, M, S, V and V. SIGH. Dawn, you too. No wonder I always lose out in all arguments.

Dress!!! good Impy!
dawn: didn't manage to find any though. next week then. if don't have, then wear JEANS. :P hey, at least i tried!
nice towels.
and great friends.
all very comfy. :P
that doesn't sound right. words don't come easy some days.
check out the calamari! and the potato cutlets! *pointing at banner* *GULPS*
Dress!!! PLEASE. :D
Ok.. I finally understood the pie for dress deal. Me slow. :)
jomel.. me slow too.
;) Pie for dress deal!!
(but u have so many dresses, if cannot find one, still got plenty of choices!)
Don't bluff.. you've won your fair share of arguments too lor. *sticks tongue out*
Ooh! Enjoy time with BFF!!! =D
tuti: words sound great!
jomel: heh. you not slow lah. I didn't really elaborate on pie for dress deal!
lms: heeee. thinking of just recycling. not too bothered abt getting a new dress.
b.muse: Sometimes only!
I agree with LMS! You have dresses - wear one :P
hahah, all your friends' comments are making me wonder if you don't wear dresses at all. :p
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