Now, there aren't very many shops for men in Singapore. He mentally went through the list and decided on ZZegna. He doesn't like classics at Ermenegildo Zegna. He doesn't exactly have time to shop in Singapore. It would take a very lucky break to do that. But weeks back in Sydney, he managed to go through the boutique and finally proclaimed that classic Zegna stuff didn't quite fit him. I suppose he can ask Zegna to tailor the shirts and suits, but he doesn't like the wait and numerous fittings tailoring requires. So he found ZZegna and prefers that. The cut and designs fit him much better. The ties are slimmer too. Not skinny, but slim. Very stylish.
For once, I was the one plonked in a chair while the partner shopped. I didn't bother to go shopping for myself. There was nothing I wanted. The one red sheath dress I liked from DVF was made of 80% wool. Too hot. Nope. Got too many DVF wrap dresses till the prints have started to look similar. No more DVF wraps for me. Gotta look at their sheath and bubble dresses.
He paraded the selections of shirts, suits and ties for my opinions. Not that my opinions mattered all that much. The man had a very definite style of his own. He's got enough fashion sense not to require me to 'okay' his purchases. (Thank goodness!) The sales guy was excellent and made great recommendations. He was really good. At the end of the session, the man decided on a few of stripey cool shirts, a couple of suits and matching ties. He was even persuaded to buy 2 pairs of jeans. The only thing he didn't buy was a pair of dress shoes. Can you spell S-U-C-K-E-R?
Even though there was nothing much of interest to me in the shop, I totally enjoyed the service because they let me take photos all over and fed me Coke Light. Ha. But I forgot to ask for ice cubes.
But Impy, you need a dress *blinks innocently*
totally convenient, nice stuffs under one roof. fun too eh, to see the guy shop and you plonked on the chair.
dawn: i DON'T NEED a dress! *stamps feet petulantly* I'm being COERCED to get a dress. Huge difference there!!!
tuti: it was nice to see him picking out things for himself!
I finally understand the apple pie for a dress deal. I think :)
kikare: WAH! I think you have! :)
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