The girlfriend baked today. Like bad pennies, the man and I turned up to savor the 'fruit' of her labor. This time, the girlfriend made an apple galette. She trotted out plates of it topped with ice-cream! So much nicer than dinner was.
Very pleasant to just sit and chat after a long day at the office. I didn't just have a slice to eat there and then. I also got to take the whole tray home. What a treat!
I'm going to learn to make it. I've seen it on TV several times before and keep telling myself that I have to try to make it.
This time I will!
kachunknorge: you will! it's so light. she said that the crust as to be as thin as possible! safe flight babe!
it's not as if you didn't bring something equally yummy!
i am a bit embarrassed to say that i have been having mcd apple pies very regularly since your last apple pie post.
Yumz! I could only settle for Apple Crumble at the local cafe...but not bad also since I can't bake...keke!
i'll be near hans today. i will just grab the apple crumple. rofl!!
Another lovely creation from the dessert angel? Now you made me want AGAIN to bake another pie.
your post titled "off to lunch" is probably the closest we will ever see of you eh?
dawn: I definitely didn't. :p not as if i can cook or doing anything useful of that sort!
tuti: the Han's pie isn't too bad. just tell them to remember to warm it up. pretty good.
pebbles: if u find a good one, stick to it!
jomel: YUP! HAHAHA. Try! this is a galette- quite different from a crumble or pie. lighter.
zewt: YUP! i'm not brave and won't post my big hantu face here to scare people!
Imp - you put out positive rays of energy that went towards the making of the dhaal :)
In case anyone wants to try out the recipe, it's here : http://smittenkitchen.com/2007/11/simplest-apple-tart/
Also, you can take a cat home next time :)
i don't usually like apple pies but this one looks oh so rustic and made with love. all it needs is a nice big scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. btw, thanks for the quick lesson because i had no idea what fascinators were. must be due to poor fashion sense along with a tomboy streak. nevertheless, methinks it suits you and your lovely bob!
dawn: HAH. WRONG. i wasn't even home! the man zoomed home at lunchtime to cook for you. i had NOTHING to do with it!!! see. imp doesn't work hard at all.
geesmo: thanks babe! an apple pie can be as sweet or as sour as you want it to be!
He's such a sweetie! Plus umm you supported him from afar?
dawn: WAHAHAHA. not really! but only reminding him to cook dhaal and hope you've got time still to eat it! so sweet of you to think i did! wieeeee!
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