When I first heard that Amanda Palmer would be here on Halloween and she was looking for a gig venue, my heart sank. I wouldn't be back in time to catch it!
When the date of her gig was confirmed to be on 1 November at Stereolab, I couldn't be happier. The friends already sorted out the tickets. I'd make sure that I die die also got back in time!
I'm a huge huge fan. Amanda Palmer is one singer that I really want to catch live.
Charmingly quirky and incredibly talented, she owned that stage and the crowd. She wasn't just vivacious. Her energy was positively infectious. Her powerful vocals and wacky lyrics punctuated the room. Her gig was spellbinding. Amanda Palmer is one to watch and listen live, not just on a cd. I was so blown away. I tweeted a whole stream of updates specially for the friends who couldn't make it to the gig.
We were secretly hoping to hear Neil Gaiman read from the companion book he wrote for her album "Who Killed Amanda Palmer". We got our wish. Thrill! What we did not expect, was for the power couple to do a signing after the gig. I mean, Neil Gaiman shuffled in bleary-eyed and exhausted after a signing for 900 people over 4 hours. I didn't think he'd have the patience to sit through another 2 hours of signing with Amanda Palmer at midnight! But he did.
The power couple didn't just mechanically sign. They interacted and talked to the fans. Considering that they were headed to the airport at 3am, I honestly couldn't fathom how they could remain so chirpy. Goodness. I wonder how they keep up this lifestyle. Their schedules are completely crazy.
Like a groupie, yours truly stood in the short autograph line for 45 minutes just for a moment to talk to her. The man jabbered excitedly to Neil Gaiman. We secured both autographs on her cds and posters.
I eyed Amanda Palmer's gold signing pen for a long time because I was VERY tempted to get her to sign on the back of my Berry. Heee.

cool. the club doesn't look like it's in singapore! glad you managed to catch them.
How awesome. Knew I could count on you for an update :)Apparently she went to Northwestern and performed just hours after she touched down.
tuti: definitely glad i didn't miss it.
dawn: yeah! i read it all on her twitter updates! heeeee.
aww how nice!
nah, didn't go cos don't hv tickets. think they were giving them out when i was out of the country.
Met him at Cinelesiure during his last trip here a few years. He wrote something really cool for me. might post it. hah!
My SIL is a HUGE Neil Gaiman fan. She wanted to go for this gig too and was so bummed when she couldn't!
d: yea!
cavalock: ticketed gig! most ordered via email, collected and paid for tickets at the door. the man stood and queued for 2hrs that time at cineleisure to grab his signature and drawings!
beanbean: i didn't manage to catch his talk, but i think many did. hope your SIL caught something over the weekend!
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