After being deprived of proper sambal and chillies in Bali, I went all out to tank up on it at home.
A night flight home meant that I didn't have the energy to unpack or have supper. In the morning, the flood of work at the office ensured that my mind wasn't on breakfast or snacking. When lunch time rolled around, I zipped out for a very quick bite. I couldn't be happier to have this plate of mee rebus sit in front of me, and looking absolutely spicy delicious.
Those green cut chillies were superbly crunchy, with just the right amount of spice and sweetness. The sambal belachan filled the rest of the gaps. I added a begedil to the plate. That begedil was soaked in sambal. Shiok.
hah. you came home to get your sambal fix. begedil soaked is nice. i soak it in lontong, and mee rebus too! sedap!
tuti: totally needed it. the next time i go to bali, i'm taking a bottle of sambal along.
i like sambal in ani dishes & i've taken a liking to the korean spicy paste even on instant noodles ! <3
oh my goodness. i literally drooled at your pic! i miss mee goreng! and sambal and begedill and mee rebus and mee siam and nasi padang and...
from diana in cambodia
mochlatte: Alas! The one thing I haven't learnt to appreciate is kim chi and korean food! I must try more and learn.
diana: HEY! Hmmm. If I head up to PhnomPenh in 1.5mths, I can bring you the paste...not the frozen dish though-I is no cook- I'm assuming you're the better cook!
I LOVE bergedil too! All this talk of spicy food is so making me crave for something truly asia tonight! :D
jomel: are you eating out on weekends? or cooking?! if you're cooking, post a pic! sigh. i've good memories of your food.
Imp, I eat out on weekends my dear. And Saturday nite, it's just me and D, cos' the kids have art class.
aww.. thank you for that. I am so moved that you'd appreciate such simple fare from my kitchen. :)
jomel: oh yes! your date night. i love your food babe. very properly homecooked, creative and full of effort. you remind me of how my grandpa used to cook- with a dash and a splash coupled with instincts. :)
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