If there's one wedding worth delaying a vacation for, it's this couple's fabulously cool wedding at Fort Canning. It wasn't just a wedding party. There was no bullshit dressing up in silly heels or caterers passing off bad food as fancy. It was a refreshingly honest and fun party that reflected the personalities of the bride and groom.
This wedding party was rock star cool with sundresses and havaianas. The stage, was effectively, a full gig set up complete with pub grub and beer!. How to resist those food stands where one could get hotdogs, potato, pasta salad and Ramly burgers! Chilled Pure Blonde in plastic mugs ruled!
We loved that spacious stage and solid set-up. Good sound, great bands. Awesome to see the friends lend an air of festivity with all the strumming and singing to wish the wedding couple well. At the same time, we celebrated the flourishing Singapore indie music scene. The bawang and chilli must have worked. The evening was beautifully breezy and easy on the humidity.
I eyed that big bouncy castle like crazy. But I couldn't, in good conscience, chase the children out so that this giant impie could go jump on it. So I had to just watch wistfully. We couldn't stay for long and there were many other people to catch up with. (A shoutout to cavalock! But I'm sure we left before you arrived.)
We heard that the fireworks at 11.30pm were breathtaking. Brightly colored ones that went high up in the sky. What a sparkling way to end the evening and celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in the friends' lives. Pity we couldn't stay till then. Congratulations, E and L!

Hah, looks like u were there bout 6 plus? i got there just after dusk, pretty dark by then (didn't take any pix). Guess u missed the groom rapping to the bride?
yah, was a real cool wedding. didn't stay for the fireworks either.
I see the chilli onion thing!
cavalock: more like 5pm! :)
dawn: yah! it's so intriguing! Apparently, all outdoor gigs, esp at Fort Canning have used this trick. Can you imagine this at the Muse and Placebo gigs? oh, the cool cat was the ringbearer at their solemnization a couple of days earlier. SO CUTE!
yayness..!! i will agree to a simple indie theme wic will be much much better den a sit-down silly 9 course meals =D den ppl wun bat a eyelid over my no-frills finger-licking etiquette teehee ;P
I wondered about the cat :) So sweet.
Haha - I know a lot of people do it but I didn't know Fort Canning did too.
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