I curiously observe the daily complimentary yoga classes as I stroll to do my pilates stretches at another corner far away. The class size is no bigger than 5 people, usually women. The instructor comes with heavyweight credentials and he definitely seems good. If I'm more enamored with yoga, I'd have requested for the one-on-one sessions.
I like this cabana that overlooks the cliff, rocks and ocean. I can't describe it. There's a magnificent sense of serenity in doing the stretches alongside the roar of the waves, white froth and an endless blue of the horizon. I feel so so inspired. The body keeps pace by exhibiting greater flexibility somehow. The stretches are longer and the bends are deeper. Though, I still can't quite hit my 6 o'clock split. :( I haven't been able to do that since I laid off the extreme twists ummm....8 years ago. I've never seriously practised harder to hit it again. Now, the standing splits look more like 4.50pm or 6.10am.
While the space in the villa is more than sufficient to do my stretches, jumps and flips, I also hop out to the other spaces for a change of scenery. There aren't many people walking around at 7am. Heck, there isn't a crowd at the resort at any one time anyway. Nobody bothers me when I hang out at my little corners. Although the staff have been very considerate and discreetly leave a bottle of water, a glass of orange juice (they realized it's my favorite juice) and a cold towel for me to discover at the end of the hour.
4.50 or 6.10?? Haha
i love the sweet gesture of the staff , without disturbing you.
stretch more then, babe. keep nimble as we grow older.
i had to look at a clock to visualise. ;p
this photo can be made into a postcard! love everything about it. including the.. ten past ten posture? :P
jingjing + tuti: heh. visual points.
elaine: they're very unobtrusive.
jazzgal: always.
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