We've watched many brilliant sunsets in Bali amidst lovely grounds. So I gave in and also did the touristy thing by ending up at a beachfront hotel bar to catch the end of another day.
We literally stayed only for one drink- 20 minutes. The concoction of Bloody Mary was vile. The bar sucked. Their drinks were thin and lackadaisical; they just didn't taste right. The servers came around with complimentary canapés that I didn't bother with. The entire area was catered to milk as many tourist dollars as possible.
The bar did provide a vantage point. Strangely enough, there weren't too many people at the bar or on the beachfront. There was still a sense of beauty somehow. I was rather impatient to get to dinner. That was something I looked forward to much more than a crappy sunset cocktail. I was very confident that drinks at dinner at this chic restaurant round the corner would be much better.

for every ugly touristy place in asia, i can name you its equal in europe and US. it's the same all over the world.
jazzgal: same same.
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