Such an unassuming dude. He's a really nice guy. While the friends have caught his gigs twice over the week, I didn't manage to do so till tonight. We didn't hit the launch party last night. That wouldn't be our scene. And we were really not hot about Steve Appleton who did an impromptu set. To us, it'd be unpleasing commercial pop which might just bring in the crowds.
The group gathered for a drink, some good music and to welcome new friends who just moved to Singapore, who umm....also obviously didn't give a hoot about YOG. We dissed Sean Kingston (a model to young atheletes. Seriously? In a country with hospitals who ain't supportive about overweight doctors?) and all about YOG. I don't even know why we bother when no YOG official ambassadors bother to turn up. Somebody measure the output and outcome versus our inflated budget of S$300 million because the Committee of humans underestimated the expenses. While it's great for the atheletes and perhaps our Singapore sporting scene, I don't give a shit about YOG. Sports is good, but a sporting event is not altruistic.
We like Chris Cope's laidback style. The friends swore I would like his kind of music. Well, I've not exactly heard Chris Cope proper. I vaguely recall Eight. So after a night, yes, he didn't exactly blaze the blues, but his voice and phrasing are in a way, very John Mayer-ish. Except John Mayer doesn't use a looper. Heeee.
He was trying to plop a bass line on the Octave pedal. We watched him frown a little. Then the boys figured the pedal ran out of batteries. Ah well. He covered 'Sweet Dreams' and that didn't affect the song. Chris Cope covered 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' and sneakily inserted in the line 'drink whisky!' I know where that came from, and I'm thrilled that he likes the Bowmore port-matured 16 y.o too. :D
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