The girlfriend's father invited us out to lunch at Taste Paradise Ion, along with a bunch her girlfriends + partner + husband + Baby E! I don't see this group of people as often I'd have liked. Each time we meet, I totally love the ruckus we make, the conversation and the crap we spew.
I give you our word of the day- 'ungrateful'. We've used it in all ways possible over the weekend. I think, we 'young people' are more angsty, grouchy and grumbl-y than older people. Heh. I wonder how the girlfriend's father can tahan our nonsense!
Baby E is 2.5 months old and she's one of those babies who's dainty most of the time and seems fairly adept to humans and their silly voices. She has a stated preference for Bach on the speakers through her iPod. Well done baby! We want to blow your mind with baby Belle & Sebastian and Radiohead. After all, someone else wants to buy Baby E band tees and onesies from Brighton!
I did a double take at the bottle of Macallan 25 y.o that was waiting for us in the corner. The girlfriend's father seriously spoils us, or the man rather. He knows how much the man loves single malts and each time, he will happily bring a bottle to surprise him. The man is very fond of the girlfriend's father that way.
There was so much to eat! The soup of something and something was excellent. Like the usual, I only drink the soup and not eat the ingredients within. There was this carrot cake in XO sauce that was really quite tasty. Alot of carbs! Alot of yummy items! Lunch was so satisfying and filling that the man and I had to skip dinner.

am still waiting to go try taste paradise @ ion...!
ame: don't you have SOMETHING ELSE to buy first?! TSK!
Lunch with you guys is always awesome.
yes yes! plan to try and get tmrw.
and so happens taste paradise has been arraged for wed.
see? all sorted :)
dawn: as it is always with you!
ame: REALLY?! Now, I'm suitably impressed. I'm going to ask you all about this and that on Thursday. HEH.
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