Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Curry Puff

One of the plausible reasons why I never get hungry till 11am on a day when I don’t do manual labor is probably because I always over-eat at dinner the previous evening. On work trips however, I try to eat a little bit in the morning because I don't know what's happening and the only predictable sort of food I quite like can be found at breakfast. Very few things can go wrong with bread, eggs, cereal or porridge.

These few mornings at breakfast, I have absolutely no interest in the hotel’s rather extensive and appetizing buffet spread. The time spent eating and lingering over the food can be spent sleeping. Heh. So all I need is 10 minutes at the table for a chocolate roll, a glass of orange juice and strong black coffee. Then I head off for my 8am pick-up.

At today's meetings, I gleefully ate 2 curry puffs with the chilli padi. VERY NICE! It was a little embarassing, but hey, the snacks were tasty! I love curry puffs done well. There was also this green blob in a tiny cup. I was told it was kaya. I didn’t know what to do with that and I don’t like kaya, so I left it alone.

I managed to skip lunch altogether. WHEW. Lunch was all chicken, beef and rice. Never mind then, I rather not eat and sort out the stomach at dinner. So I spent lunch reading newspapers and all other matters of papers.


sinlady said...

you don't like kaya? can?

Jo said...

i'm curious.. what's that green stuff? cannot be kaya right? never seen curry puffs served with that before...

imp said...

sinlady: it's too sweet and that's a coyness in there that i no like.

jomel: i dunno. they said it's kaya! Well, they serve chicken siew mai with boiled potatoes and a sort of assam gravy...