Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Hello Flat Whites!

Let the caffeine madness begin! When I decided on doing this trip 2 weeks ago, the first and foremost thought was- "Thank frigging watermelons for some good coffee." I had laid off coffee for some time these 2 months because I just couldn't get good ones daily. If it's crap coffee, I rather not drink it.

The brew of Colombian on the plane wasn't bad at all. Good start. The preferred timings for the flights to and fro ensured very minimal jet lag. 3 cups of coffee definitely helped to keep me awake for a a bit!

It's quite easy to occupy myself on long haul flights. There's always something to do. I can't watch movies all the way, so it helps to have this arsenal of gadgets to fiddle around with. Mostly, I spend alot of time staring out of the window. However, it's a little unfriendly to do it often because they dim the cabin lights and everyone goes into this dark secluded private zone. A sharp ray of light isn't very welcome.

Caffeine still does something to me because I won't be able to sleep at night if I ingest them after 2pm. But hey, I'll push it till later here and try it out. With all the walking and activities lined up, I should be quite exhausted by nightfall. So, 2 cups of coffee a day at 2 different cafes sound about right. :)

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