Friday, November 12, 2010

Quiet Morning At Fernandez & Wells

Breakfast was sorted at Fernandez & Wells on Beak Street. Of course there was the usual cups of flat white and orange juice. I simply LOVE freshly squeezed juice.

The man and I have managed to have breakfast together every day! Amazing. It helps that I've more motivation to wake up at 6am to do exciting things. The trip has been most rejuvenating and inspiring.

Today, the man had a black pudding sandwich. He winked and merrily offered me a bite. I grimaced and shook the head. The filling is really just dried pig's blood mixed with fat and some oatmeal. NOT my idea of breakfast, or lunch for that matter. I stuck to my very brainless and delicious cheese and tomato croissant. One had an option to add slices of Dorset ham to it.

It's almost amusing how we don't exactly spend time together at home. Between his work trips and mine; our personal schedules, commitments and friends, we don't quite see each other for dates often. It's London that has strangely held good memories for us. We've had our separate experiences of the city as teenagers and the previous decade. Now in our thirties, we create new memories of London together, re-visiting familiar spots and building new hangouts.

The man's been sprinting along at a punishing pace at work and has had little respite during the week. He's quite exhausted by the time evening comes round. He ruefully concluded that there isn't a difference whether he works in Singapore or London, except the latter definitely has better coffee and food in many ways. Well, I've been up to no good and kept busy with all sorts of activities which don't actively involve the man. Heh. I already declared that I've other things to do on this trip besides tagging along as luggage.


Dawn said...

Poor Man. Tell him to hang in there.

imp said...

dawn: Told. He's talking to a bear now. :p It relieves stress, I believe. The bear will be named Rupert.

wigglybits said...

i've yet to try the black pudding. but i doubt i'll ever will!

sinlady said...

breakfast should be safe and predictable. no need shock the taste buds with the first meal of the day. so rude. haha

Dawn said...

Yay! Rupert! He looks like a Rupert no?

imp said...

wigglybits + sinlady: it looks like minced meat. the man says it's quite tasty. not at all nasty!

dawn: yes he does. a baby Rupert.