Saturday, July 23, 2011

An Afternoon Outing

I was secretly glad that the girlfriend ditched her vintage top and went for a cool mustard yellow jumpsuit. It's a look she hasn't tried before and she's always been wary of pants. She thinks pants would make her look fat. Hey, not if it's a good cut! This particular jumpsuit fits her very well. You should see her full length shots. She looks great in it. All those wonderful photos are in her camera and she'll probably share those later on her blog.

The girlfriend invited me along as her + 1 to an event. We're considerably older than everyone else, so there was no need for us to try so hard to look like we've to fit in. We can't even get into those miniscule pieces of fabric the other girls wore. Since the bruises have faded and there won't be fresh ones till next week, I put aside the usual blacks and pulled on a colorful dress. Colors doth exist in the wardrobe. It's just that each time I pick out a dress, I gravitate towards black. Bleah. So we went to this event where one could be togged out in casual, dressy or whatever. I wanted to wear Havaianas, then decided that since the girlfriend was properly groomed, I shouldn't be embarrassing to wear flip flops all the time. So a pair of heels it was to be.

It was the girlfriend's event. So while she flitted around fulfilling commitments and being busy, I was happy to concentrate on being good as gold. It was very hard work. "Behave, impie, behave," I sternly told myself. I did- sat in a corner to quietly sip sparkling water, didn't schmooze, frowned at offensive portions in a painful skit, sniggered a little (it wasn't at all my scene), laughed really hard along with the pretty good emcee and didn't throw a siew mai at anyone.


Lady J said...

Looking very good indeed Imp. I'm loving the colours!! ;)

Anonymous said...

imp has a lovely smile, as always.
your hair is getting long now. keeping same style? miss the imp with the long flowing hair too. but the weather, argh.

M. said...

Heehee. Good imp! Never embarrass corsage at sba (;

lilsnooze said...

I like the dress, you look good as always.

And yes, good girl. :)

sinlady said...

yes, good girl heheh

imp said...

hehehehe. i is a good imp.

imp said...

tuti: probably letting it grow longer. truth is, i haven't gone to the stylist for 4 months, compared to my usual monthly visits. hahaha. totally laziness.

pinkclothmicrophone said...

You both look fantastic.

But you mean you didn't grab the chance to 'kee-chiu' when the event was "opened"? =p

imp said...

pinkclothmicrophone: i had SO MANY chances. hehehehhee. :P