Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Checking In

So nice of the office to release me for a couple of days. Today, the old folks needed me more. So I went to be with them. Although at some point, I had to sort out a couple of work matters. Crazy crunch period. No sweat. By noon, I needed coffee, and I could work at the cafe. I might need to get an additional keyboard soon, for the iPad. It's just a preference I suppose, to type on physical keys than off the virtual version. I somehow type slower on the latter.

The bosses are cool. Thank goodness. You've no idea how precious it is to have bosses who aren't anal about me being at my desk at 9am sharp. They're pretty relaxed about it. With that sort of flexibility, it keeps us more committed and very much willing to work after hours and do whatever it takes to get things done. There's something called trust, a commodity much valued in an office. After all these years, I'm still NOT used to waking up at 7.30am to get into an office by 9am. Well, after the recent May Day national message calling for the nation to increase productivity as a direct output of higher wages, I'm sure many bosses still equate working long hours with a proportionate amount of productivity. They never mind if you knock off late. They mind terribly when you stroll in 15 minutes after 9am.

It's been a tiring couple of days, and I find myself declining many social invitations. Don't feel like overextending. Bed time is now 11pm, tanking up to fuel myself for busy days ahead. I can always do with more sleep. I get less headaches, and well, feel less blur. On certain days, I actually make a conscious effort to go without the usual coffee and opt for a cup of freshly squeezed juice. Oof.

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