Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Hello, Cats In The Office!

Hello. My name is Cow. I can meow 'Hello' and I don't give a hoot about your MacBook.

What a pleasant change of surroundings to redefine the structured concept of 'an office'. The offices I've sat in are rather, boring, to say the least. I can't take it if the office is deathly silent, and the only permissible etiquette is to plug in earphones and listen to your own music. That's cool, but surely having Lush99.5 play in background is even better? This one's got music in the background. Of course we'll still plug in when we want to listen to our own stuff. We're a weird assortment who can't work without music. Then, there're the cats. Ooooh, the cats!

I like the cats in this office. We've 4. Naughty things. As it is with cats, I'm certain that they've trained the humans well, and never vice versa. They don't require us to manja them all day. That's the biggest reason why I ultimately prefer cats over dogs. Cats are lower maintenance. Their litter area is so well managed till no foul odors emanate. There's a bit of a smell of course, but nothing offending.

Some go, "Eiiiii! All the cat fur!" Doesn't bother me. That's what lint rollers are for. And well, it kinda forces me to not wear black. Hurhurhur. It's common sense that you don't bring woollies that can't be lint-rollered. It also means we keep our office super clean and super neat. Anything you don't want bitten or eaten must be kept away nightly. No food to be left anywhere except in the fridge and if sealed and air-tight, it can be kept in the drawers. A long time ago, cats made my asthma flare. However, over the years, gradual and sustained exposure reduced any form of allergic reaction. Or it's simply shifted over to shellfish. Don't care, so long it lets me play with the cats.

It's nice to have a forced time-out from the computer screen each time a naughty one decides to saunter across my Macbook or nibbles my shoes, or try to slurp my coffee. Or trying to take photos of the cats. So far, I've been using the phone which takes decent images. Should take out the camera soon. Faster shutter speed required to capture cool expressions.


yAnn said...

Love!! That is one awesome company you are in. ;)

=^..^= said...

You lucky thing to have four super cool 'supervisors'! Lol. I hope there'll be more of such cat-friendly offices by the time I am ready to return to Singapore. :)

~5-Cat Style

Delphine said...

I really want to be in your company. Or any company that's cat friendly.

imp said...

yann: i like it too!

5-Cat Style: they're awesome. heh.

delphine: a bit tough i concede. allergies, hygiene and all. must find like-minded people...

bmuse said...

They are too cute!! hee. Agree with everything you said in 2nd para. :D

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, my dream work environment! Ok, maybe throw in the dogs, bunnies, ducklings etc too? :p That's a beautiful cat!! I just love the charisma and attitude they exude!


imp said...

bmuse: yea!

xuan: wah! then we need a bigger office to partition off areas so that they can all live in harmony. Heh.

muchadoabouteating said...

Gosh love love love the expression on Cow!

imp said...

PY: the cats have such cute and awesome expressions. when they're up and about, i can spend 10 minutes watching them!