Thursday, May 10, 2012

On The Keys

Do you like my new atas bear that the bff sent over?

Terrible kink in the neck. No, no more chiropractor visits necessary. Now that I know why the knots form, I know how to sort them out. They can be stretched out by holding several poses or a slow front crawl in the pool. Opted to stretch. Felt pretty okay. Still feeling lazy and uninspired. So I grabbed the iPad and padded over to the piano. Looked at Liszt, and I was like naaah. Something 20th century preferred. Then Philip Glass and Carl Vine popped up on the iPad. Something not totally traditional. I got into the music of Philip Glass through his scores for Errol Morris' movie 'The Thin Blue Line'. Philip Glass' 'Metamorphosis One to Five'. Not playing them all. Okay, 'One' and 'Two' or maybe 'Three' then.

How fun is it that 'Metamorphosis One to Five' is inspired by Franz Kafka's rather flat 'The Metamorphosis'. Don't focus on the language. It's the themes that matter, and the behavior of humans. I like how the book doesn't mention what sort of an ungeziefer Gregor Samsa has turned into until the end, or why. Love the absurdity of it all. Anyway, the story forms a great basis for Philip Glass' inspiration to pen his five piano solos.

It was a good night of banging away on the keys. There was nothing in the mind except for music and random thoughts. Cleared the mind of all stress-inducing elements. Que sera sera. When the clock struck 11.30pm, I packed up and went to bed. Determined to clock a nightly average of 9 hours of sleep this week.


Anonymous said...

atas bear took the metamorphosis in his stride? i think i will die after the third chord. kudos to you!

kikare said...

you can sleep till 8.30? I'm functioning on an average of 5 hours for the past month.

bookjunkie said...

I never thought about it before. Musical scores on the iPad? That's pretty cool. You make me want to play as well. Guilty that I haven't touched the piano in a while. I play terribly but I have a strong affection for the piano itself. I refused to allow it to be sold. Can't explain it but I think you understand the feeling. I find it reassuring to have it around.

The atas bear is cool :)

imp said...

misti: it was apt for the night!

kikare: hahah, yes. till 8.30. 7.30 if there's pilates or parkour. I don't function very well on anything less than 7 hours of sleep.

bookjunkie: it somehow makes it wasy to 'flip' the pages without having to scramble. still have gotten the hang of flipping physical scores while playing. used to scotch-taped the scores flat out so that i flip less!