Friday, August 03, 2012

Answering 'Whys'

On many days, I'm absolutely glad for the blessings to be able to chill out in the afternoons. The freelance work is streaming in, and that keeps me occupied, on top of all the classes. When I work fast enough, I get to spend time with the friends in however way I choose to. Importantly, some of these friends' schedules match mine, resulting it a breeze to arrange dates to catch up.

On a weekday afternoon, after picking up Bubbles from school, it was playtime. Corsage rolled her eyes at this 2.5y.o who had chosen to drop her afternoon naps for the week. When the brutal mid-afternoon sun shone into the playroom, we turned on the air-conditioning to a comfortable 26°C and had some down-time. I thought it would lull the little girl to sleep. It didn't. BLEAH.

So I sat down with her and answered all her 'whys' about each character of Sesame Street to whatever they were doing in that particular video. (Not as if I really know. It's quite amusing watching the videos through the adult's eye. Think 'Grover and the Alphabet Soup'.) This, is also contentment in a friendship- silly grins and eye rolling above the kids' line of sight, the quiet warmth of dragging out toys to re-enact 'campsite', 'school' or 'beach' with Bubbles to whatever Sesame Street videos we were watching, and grinning at Corsage's comments on whatever exciting news on social media platform she managed to hop on while her newborn Bun was sound asleep.

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