Sunday, August 19, 2012

Opening The Gates

I was fixated on the man carrying a small bag of groceries walking rather briskly, home, presumably. The bag wasn't big and carried the name of the grocer at the nearby petrol station less than 100 metres down the road. The bag was tiny, like it would contain eggs, a carton of milk and a loaf of bread. Couldn't really see. He stopped in front of a house, put his hand in his pocket, took out a device and waved. The main gates opened. He strolled through.

I stared at the scene in confusion. Wait a minute, there was a side gate right next to it, as side gates go. Why would we open the main gate when we aren't carrying bulky items? We usually always walk through the side gate, leaving the main gate for the times when we drive through. Then it hit me. OMG, because of his sizeable girth, he couldn't fit the width of the side gate!

I couldn't help it. I laughed. The hilarity was quickly squashed by a bit of mortification and hope. For the sake of his health, I certainly hope the weight could be dropped somehow by this time next year, and it isn't a medical condition causing him to carry around so much weight and girth.


Yuling said...

I had to retell this to A. It was at first hilarious, then very sad. I still can't forget the way he walked. Yes, for the sake of his health, I sure hope he loses some good ten kg very very soon!

imp said...

yuling: yah lor. :(