Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Tea Spread

On a cool windy afternoon when everyone was feeling all right and recovered from the niggling bouts of flu, we made a playdate. I'm only enthusiastic about playdates when they involve friends I'm totally comfortable with, and preferably toddlers/kids whom I've interacted with too.

Gracious host Corsage did magic in the kitchen. For tea, she laid out a delectable table of bakes- salmon and spinach muffins, vegan chocolate muffins, and an appetizing carrot cake with yummy frosting. She laid off the sugar, and made dessert that she knew we wouldn't say no to. I loved the salmon and spinach muffins. Corsage said she forgot to add the cheese. I didn't think it was a big deal. It simply tasted lighter than usual, which was fine by me. Wished I hadn't eaten so much lunch, then I could have gobbled more of those savory muffins. The two little girls, seated across from each other, oddly went for the cherries first.

We're most glad that the little girls can play together now, with occasional bouts of mediation when they disagree. I was rather tickled as the tots took turns to walk out of the playroom to complain about the other over something, and yet wanted each other's company. But I don't think the mommies find it that funny. Heeeeeee. However, it means that the adults can have a chat that's made up of more than 5 sentences! The little girls made a fun mess of the paints on paper, crafting their masterpieces. Tired out, they didn't mind napping together. For a glorious hour. WHEW!


N (and Miss A) said...

I dunno how she does it. Two children and that much yummy baking? I'm lucky if I can shower every day!

imp said...

Miss A: It's magic!
N: My guess, like what you're going through (and still sort out so many things properly), probably a lot of hair pulling, reduced toilet breaks, sleepless nights and days, and sheer determination. :P

Lady J said...

Sounds like a fun afternoon and it's amazing that Corsage can whip up so many items for the tea-party. Looks yummy!

imp said...

lady J: she juggled really well!