Sunday, September 09, 2012

From Chapati To Idli

With chapati cravings satisfied over 3 trips to Azmi's in a week, my attention turned to idli. It was a happy coincidence that N suggested having idli for an early lunch. Wonderful! We grabbed an awake and chirpy Miss A and trundled down to awesome Murugan's on Syed Alwi Road. This eatery is ridiculously packed at standard meal-timings. Go at an odd hour.

N completely ignored my photo-taking thingamajigs. Moving the tray furthest away from the high chair, she went straight for the food. She has a gem of wisdom that only comes with experience. "When you have a baby, you learn to eat very fast." She finished her uttapam way before I did. The tiny tyke has already tasted idli weeks ago, and seemed to like Murugan's version. She totally didn't mind being fed a continuous stream of teeny bits of it.

I was merrily sipping the bowl of sambar when Miss A decided to faster-ly put her fingers into my coconut chutney. Not that she knew what it was. More of a..."Ooh, I want what you're eating!" But the texture was probably pretty fun. She had the cheek to grin at me as I wiped her hands down. Hahaha. Now I understand why trays of food must be immediately moved away from curious hands.

81 Syed Alwi Road 
(with a/c, opposite the long side of Mustafa Centre)
Singapore 207660
T: +65 6298 0858

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