Friday, September 07, 2012

Jazz For The Night

On a whim, we went to The Sultan Jazz Club to hear Richard Jackson cover Stevie Wonder songs with a twist. Where drinks are concerned, just stick to bottles of wine here. The range of wines available is decent; the options for whisky aren't inspiring. As suspicious as I am of wine, I was fine with bottles since I wouldn't be drinking much of it tonight. Hahaha.

A jazz club with live music in Singapore is just tough to find. Glad that we've this one now after Jazz@Southbridge closed for good. Good gigs at clubs are always so much more fun than sitting in a concert hall. Very few people stand up and dance in a concert hall to jazz and anything not indie. The audience for these genres haven't caught on to the indie etiquette of standing up for gigs, regardless of how much your seats cost.

We were seated at the cosy balcony. Those are our preferred seats in the club. Better acoustics somehow, and more private than being squashed like sardines downstairs. We had fun dancing! I was hoping that the band would do 'Lately'. But I guess not. Too sad, that song. We left after the second set to head home by a decent time.

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