Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friends & Games

Hauled loads of tapau-ed packs from Baja Fresh over to the friends for quite a yummilicious dinner. A mini Thanksgiving of sorts among friends. That's all the meet-ups really are about this week. :) Fajitas and quesadillas rocked. There was dessert too! Homemade dark chocolate pecan pie. Nom nom nom. Oddly, the sugar, again, had been brutally reduced. WOOT.

The Dad merrily trotted out yet another bottle of single malt for us. He told us to finish that bottle. The super light citrus notes of the dependable Glenmorangie 18 y.o complemented our dinner and dessert! Quite surprising. Usually, I prefer having two types of single malts in a meal as the different notes might heighten different flavors. I liked this Glenmorangie expression on the rocks. The melted ice made the dram so sweet. We could have finished it I guess. But we had to leave by 11pm, so that ruled out finishing the bottle. Kekekekeke. Slightly less than half was left.

The problem with sitting down to after-dinner chats with the friends- they're always a terrible influence in one way or another. Tonight, they introduced us to Plague, a morbidly addictive game that occupied all our waking hours for the week. Tsk. We refused to read the online cheat-sheets, and sorted the strategies ourselves. Horrendously fun, considering that the point of the game is to kill all humans and wipe out the species of homo sapiens.


bmuse said...

That pie looks and sounds divine!!

imp said...

bmuse: it was SO good. I could have it as a meal!