We've been eating so very well in Cumbria. The calories we've been burning up via light runs, brisk walks and long treks totally justify the food. My diet has been mainly uhhh eggs, vegetables, salad, slaws, tomatoes, mushrooms, rosti. Especially eggs. Those eggs. In all forms. Preferably soft-boiled or poached. Fabulous!
On our walks through fields of sheep and cows, I teased the man that they would stare at him unblinkingly because he eats them. He was unperturbed. Hahahaha. Anyway, the cows we passed were mostly dairy cows, not for eating. Heh. The season's over for lamb, apparently. The produce is excellent. How many times can one use the word 'fresh'? I live in a country where we import everything, and are mostly numb to the idea of 'seasonal produce', fresh is relative to a 24-hour delivery from a terrain that will not yield tomatoes as sweet as what I get to eat now.
Not big on the black pudding though, even if the ones here are great, and people swear that it's the best in the country. Not a fan of congealed blood. However, those Cumberland sausages are impressive. The real deal- oddly low on salt, high in permitted spices and lacking in preservatives. (If you're really interested, here're the specs for the definition of Cumberland sausages.)
Cumberland sausages comes in the long rolled forms and in its shorter version like most British sausages, occasionally coated in breadcrumbs. I ate two bites. Had to. But couldn't stomach the whole sausage or the full English. My gawwwwd. These must be the best sausages ever! The meat is coarsely chopped, not minced. And get this, like...seriously...no preservatives are used in it at all. Woah. Whatever's in there, are only spices, which helps to over-ride the meaty flavors. Perfect with chutney. Unfortunately, when these sausages get to London, they're already chockful of preservatives. Unless that eatery is dedicated to finding a couple of sources from the farms for direct delivery, which is great for sustainability, but tough to keep edible, and not commercially cost-effective.
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