Thursday, September 19, 2013

Again Soon, Hopefully

The skies held blue and clear for us in Hong Kong. Just a month ago, Typhoon Utor cruised through the city and closed offices and halted flights and transport services. We really didn't want to run into one during peak typhoon season. As we prayed for fair weather for the trip, it was really sad that Typhoon Man-Yi lashed Japan. :( And now, we watch Typhoon Usagi churn a destructive path across cities, probably hitting Hong Kong hard too.

Had a ton of laughter this trip with awesome friends. Got together with so many of them. Lovely to have had a chat or two. But there isn't enough time to catch everyone. Next trip then. There's always something to do in Hong Kong that involves a giant group of humans on an outing that may or may not involve a truckload of food. But next trip, I'll make my conditions for food jaunts known- no Tsui Wah please.

This has essentially been a work trip, more than a vacation. Of course we had fun. This trip was strictly business. When there's a job to do, we all get going, even all the ones who aren't part of the band per se. We did promise to help with whatever we could. No way I can do guitar tech, but J could, and he's great at it, along with the necessary firmness to deal with the demands (and ego) of the band at soundchecks. Everyone else has something they excel at. It's kinda getting one another's back, and covering all bases. Nothing like travelling together to really get to know your friends, even those you've known for a while. It's great how everyone bundled together to get the job done.

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