Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Coffee Date With Bubbles & Bun

Made a coffee date with the girls at Three Hands (situated inside Taberna Wine Academy) and glad to have Corsage pop in at the last minute. She wasn't sure if she could make it. Missed her! Bubbles was all fresh from school and quite chirpy. As usual, she excitedly chattered all about what's happening in her life. We aunties eagerly listened.

Hilarious how Bubbles runs away from any camera, and Bun doesn't mind sashaying up to it. But by now, Bubbles knows if I take any photos, I'll crop out her face. Heh. Bun doesn't care, yet. She happily poses for me and demands to see the photos after.

Was a little taken aback when Bun piped, "Hello Aunty Imp." Corsage and I were stunned. Aunty Am didn't care. She was more perturbed that Bun couldn't pronounce her three-syallable name and insisted on giving her another nickname. Hahahaha. Nobody introduced ourselves today. The last time Bun addressed me by name, it was at Revolution Coffee weeks ago, and that already floored me. We took it for granted that Bubbles knew and that would be fine. We simply grinned at Bun. ARRRRGH. How on earth did she associate my name and face? Which means she remembers me. All very nice, but all very scary because I've no idea what she's remembering me for. Uh oh.

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