Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Crisp Colors

There's always a reason or another to pop into Hashida Sushi for a meal that's low on grease, high on fatty acids and full of protein. Makes my stomach happy. Less bloating. And importantly, I've ascertained that this is an ideal diet in which the body doesn't feel sluggish.

V finally had some time off from her hectic schedule to fit in a leisurely lunch and we trotted off to enjoy exactly that. It's like a pre and post-trip ritual to eat sushi and sashimi, and also overdose on spicy sambal belado. Which makes these meals rather frequent. Muahahaha.  I can eat sushi and sashimi daily, on the confidence that restaurants' standards of food hygiene are tip-top sterling. Probably makes them restaurants pretty happy too. Just continue to gimme all the awesome food please, thanks.

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