Thursday, June 16, 2016

Cabbage Pesarapappu

It's always awesome when friends want to cook and have us over for dinner. Nothing complicated, just the best sort of everyday homecooked food. The smells that welcomed us upon entering the house was gorgeous. All the spices!

The meat was all chicken. Bit fearful of that. But they come with all the spicy gravy which I love. There were chicken curry, chicken masala with eggs and gently-fried chicken. I tried to steal as many egg yolks as possible. Hahahaha.

There were vegetables in the form of a simple yet refreshing kachumber (or what I know as 'kerabu') and a stir-fry. The kerabu was great between bites. It made me eat more rice than I intended. Pfffft. It's really difficult to avoid rice when there's curry. C stir-fried the cabbage dry and crunchy, including the chana dal. Yay. I don't like mushy vegetables. This was perfect. It was delicious! He doesn't bother to name his dishes. I suppose it's effectively a cabbage pesarapappu.

LOL at the friends. We don't have to all watch the same television shows or read the same books. But it's just awesome when we do and the jokes fly fast and furious. Reading the books is one thing. #GoT (I've given up waiting for that sixth book.) Seeing it on tv and have the meme explode all over the internet is another. Now I can never remain poker-faced to the phrase "Hold the door!" when it's yelled aloud, or not grimace when I look at a sad door-stop. #Hodor Imagine what went through my head when I saw the manja resident cat being all possessive over this hand-written version.

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