Wednesday, April 18, 2018

源や :: 海鮮炭焼処

None of us bothered to do any sort of googling before this. It was more of a, 'It's lunch time and I want to get out of the office asap. I'm really hungry. Let's just walk and see what's to eat nearby.' Randomly walked into a little alley off Yotsuya station and into 源や (pronounced as 'Gen-Ya') for a casual lunch of seafood sumiyaki (海鮮炭焼処). It's obviously the local lunch spot for the offices.

Grinned when we sat down. We were likely the only table of tourists. No English menu! Hahahaha. Well, that's not an issue when it's just lunch sets. There were plenty of familiar stuff to choose from. Took a peek around at what the others ordered. Everything looked great. Nothing mind-blowing, but super decent and comforting. The sets ranged from ¥870 to about ¥1200 that day.

The others opted for tempura and sashimi. The kitchen offered ayu (smelt) too, which is a little early in the season. As much as I like it, I gave it a miss since I didn't feel like dealing with the tiny bones. This side of the table had grilled saba, and nimono of tuna chunks on bones and daikon. The red miso soup with tiny little clams was delicious. Went perfectly with my beautiful bowl of rice. It was only much later then I thought that I should have ordered an egg to go along with the meal. Oof.

東京都 新宿区 四谷 1-7新道通り
T: 050-5595-0874 (+81-50-5595-0874)

Gen-Ya (源や) is on the ground floor of Hotel New Shohei
1-7-9, Yotsuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan

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