Thursday, July 19, 2018

Delicious Crustaceans Galore At The Naked Finn

It had been a looong time since I ate at The Naked Finn. Popped an antihistamine and hopped in for dinner. There wasn't a special occasion. It was a casual dinner, but celebrating friendship, health, getting through half of 2018, and little victories.

Grinned at the Queen crab beehoon. It was really tiny, and good for sharing amongst two persons. We made it work amongst three persons. Kinda fun. Everything in this dish was in that broth. The sweet crab essence. That was ridiculously elegant. Glad we didn't order a second portion because we would then have plenty of stomach space for other dishes.

The little bites were fun and delicious- little neck clams, grilled octopus and kangkong salad. The scallop otah was ridiculously elegant, and superbly tasty. I didn't think I could bother with tasting another otah ever. The farmed Dover sole was beautiful. Seasoned with only oil and salt, it was lovingly grilled and we tasted all its cooked natural flavors. Asked for a small fish; decimated it. Ate the head and the tail. Only the spinal bones were left on the plate. Hurhurhur.

I held back on the prawns and didn't dare to eat too much. Shellfish and crustaceans aren't friendly to my allergies. Even with the antihistamine, I did itch quite a fair bit, but it was manageable. The prawns were SUBLIME. The kitchen wasn't joking about the gigantic wild caught tiger prawns. Those prawns were like 230g and 290g! They held loads of roe. Their bodies were palm-sized. Same went for the carabinero prawns- they were huge, and really sweet. Juicy heads resulted in a perfect end to the meal.

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