Tuesday, September 11, 2018

My Best Buah Keluak of 2018

The year isn’t over. But this year's best buah keluak goes to the pot cooked by T. I don't know how she does it, but year on year, her Eurasian-style ayam and babi buah keluak has somehow gotten better and better. I don't know how this is even possible, given that our first taste of it all those years ago confirmed that her version beats every non-Peranakan restaurant's version (and even some Peranakan ones) hands down.

I was worried about the boxes sitting in the freezer for two weeks as it waited for the man to come back from his work trip. But the flavors weren't lost, and there wasn't freezer burn since I took care to seal them tight. These were generous portions and lasted us well for three meals! It seemed perfectly fine heated up in a pot over slow heat. It was definitely on par with the fantastic versions that we had over the Lunar New Year at Peranakan homes that could seriously cook. This version might edge those out a tad because it's chilli-spicier and more robust in its use of spices.

I love it when friends feed us. These are the best gifts. The man and I really appreciate good food, and often, these are found in our friends' kitchens, and when they share the love, I feel the joy and warmth. This seriously generous pot was ridiculously delicious. So many layers of flavors, rich and spicy. It totally justified the consumption steamed white basmati rice to go along with it. Needless to say, the man and I cleaned out the entire portion. Mmmm. It was a superb meal.

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