Monday, September 17, 2018

Reviewing Our Penal Code 2018


This week, the Government announced its intention to abolish marital immunity for rape in a review of the Penal Code, bringing Singapore in line with international legal norms including those of Hong Kong, Thailand and the Philippines. 
~ ChannelNewsAsia, 13 September 2018

For a tiny island state that keeps proclaiming significance on the world's stage, we have retained rather archaic laws. I shrug and keep thinking that while we aim to be Number 1 in all world rankings (except in about three segments), and our government and such think we're a first world nation, we have very reactionary laws and terrible world views.

I have no idea if the current Penal Code review committee has any bite, or spine, or balls. What makes absolute sense in the law books might not be agreeable to be passed through in actual bills. Anyway.

We are in dire need of another thorough review of the 150-year-old Penal Code.

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