Saturday, September 01, 2018

With The Parentals At The Dempsey Cookhouse & Bar

When dining out with the man's parents, I need to think it through before taking them somewhere. While they're always lovely to say they'll go to wherever I want to eat at, I need to be considerate to their stomachs too. Trust me, what I truly want to eat, would be equivalent to what the parentals would consider a nightmare, or virtually inedible. :P

When the man jetted out to London again (yeah, this year is all London And Tokyo), I took his parents to The Dempsey Cookhouse & Bar. It’s one restaurant that checks off all the boxes for the parentals' conservative palates, spacious tables, decent air conditioning and requirements for easy parking spots, and overall convenience and accessibility. The prices of the food are reasonable, and wouldn’t make anyone picking up the tab feel sore about the final bill.

We requested for all sauces and toppings to be served at the side instead. That always makes it easier to control how much we want to drench our food in dressing. I had a starter of yellowfin tuna tartare with avocado and ginger marinade, and a main of fresh tagliatelle with clams, chilli and parsley. Super safe choices too, and they were well executed.

The parentals made it to dessert. They shared one item. I didn't take note of what sugary thing they ate. Now that I look at the photos, I still have no idea either. Hahahaha. Dessert is clearly not my interest at all. I had a glass of red wine with the meal, and enjoyed it enough to have a second glass as my dessert.

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