Thursday, November 08, 2018


I chickened out of the aquathlon last year. I didn't feel ready. This year, I feel stronger. But I'm not up to doing Spartan races, not even when the friends waved their Trifecta in my face. Not quite my cup of tea. When the friends signed up for the aquathlon this year, I idiotically agreed to join them.

I didn't mention a squeak to anybody else, in case I chickened out again. These friends are seasoned athletes doing regular triathlons and trail races. I’m green and haven’t joined a race ever, and dislike crowds. I wanted to puke all night and just before the start. Hey, races are like that, one shouldn't race unless you feel fine. Oh, trust me, I really didn't want to turn up at all, but I was kept so busy before the date that I had no time to think about it till the night before. Sunday's 'race' wasn't about timing or even gaining experience for future races. I wanted it as a fitness check. A one-off. I had no tri outfit, and was a total noob at transition. It was still quite fun! Everyone had fancy gel packs and such, and I ate a dark chocolate cookie. 😂

To my surprise and quite a bit of thrill, I wasn't the last. Teeehehehehehe. Being in the middle of the pack is really quite comfortable for me. By God's grace, the weather was wonderful and the waters were calm. I'm a fish—1.5km is my regular sprinting distance in the pool; that was literally no sweat. I was really pleased when I came out of the water far ahead of the pack. I fell behind in the run though, but I cleared the 10km run in a very respectable timing under 58 minutes.

I DID IT. And I still turned up at the gym for my usual classes (GRIT Strength and Pilates Reformer) two days after, and the much-needed private class at the pilates studio. DOMS has officially set in. Although I'm not in pain, and going down the stairs isn't an issue, the muscles are rather sore. Oddly, the soreness is all in the core, abs and glutes. My feet, ankles, calves and arms are okay. The lats and obliques are aching like never before. Hmmm. I am proud of myself. That said, I'm NEVER running 10km again without good reason (not for another race either).

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