Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Plant Went To Its New Home!

When I moved into the new flat, I knew that I didn't want any plants that required roots in soil or gravel. Allergies meant that I couldn't touch soil without triggering swollen flesh on the hands or hives. I wouldn't be able to re-pot or do anything. The pollen from flowers would be highly annoying and I would be sniffling for weeks and months. The patio's limited hours of sunlight meant that herbs couldn't be grown either.

I didn't think it was a matter of green fingers. It's a matter of science and botany, and understanding how a plant adapts to a particular environment. And I'm not very inclined towards caring for plants, especially big flowering plants. I don't even fancy cut flowers in vases. Air plants provided the answer to livening up the patio with bits of greenery. They're fairly utilitarian and suit my purposes without irritating the allergies. They don't seem to require much care and I chose the species of tillandsia that are hardy and only need occasional watering.

Acquired quite a number of air plants (tillandsia). Hurhuhurhur. I have a few tillandsia xerographica and tillandsia streptophylla that seem fairly pleased in this flat. On a sunny day last September I thought, why not include a plant as part of the gifts for the BFF's birthday next year? So I selected a luxuriant-looking xerographica and paid it more attention.

Well, I suppose when the time came, I could have chosen a plant at random, but it's kinda fun to designate one as the gift. I could have sworn it knew its purpose and embraced it. The designated plant grew bigger and faster than the rest of its cousins. Over six months, I watched its leaves gracefully lengthen.

I have no idea if plants make good gifts, but it felt riiight. The BFF wouldn't mind a plant if it's sturdy enough. If I can keep a plant alive, so can she. We have about equal talent in killing plants. I'm especially skilled in scaring succulents to a quick death. That day, I decided it was time for this tillandsia xerographica to go to its new home, as Part 1 of the birthday gift for the BFF. Put it gingerly in a sturdy bag and went out to buy it a suitable pot. Grinned at the other air plants in the shop. I could have also just bought one giant plant, but I guess it's more meaningful to have grown it, although it isn't from a baby pup.

It felt like a fine day to send the plant to its new home. Whispered my goodbye and wished it 'good growing'. Handed it to the BFF who seemed quite all right with adopting it; she even knew where to place it at home. It brought me joy. May it bring a small measure of happiness to the BFF too. Cackled when I learnt that she has named it Medusa. Okaaaaay. 😂

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