Friday, May 03, 2019

A New Pilates Studio Soon

Grinned when I walked into the studio. K, my pilates instructor and I were in matching socks, with a slightly different design. Hahaha. This tends to happen if our buying attitudes and patterns are similar. Well, I don't mind pink on socks.

We've been working on the mobility of my thighs and lower abs for three weeks. I've been feeling that they aren't operating at optimal level. The ability to do an Asian squat isn't a test of that. Heh! Testing mobility is a great way to confirm that the knees are fully recovered.

Today’s variations of ‘feet in straps’ made me realize that I’ve been cheating and doing it the wrong way for a year! 😱 Tight hip flexors meant that I tend to overcompensate in the quads and hamstrings, resulting in predictable cramps right there whenever similar movements are made. We’ve also been building extra strength and flexion for the shoulders, arms, lats and obliques. 

K has given notice and is leaving this pilates studio. She has a non-compete clause to fulfil in her contract, then she’s free to join another studio or simply do it freelance at a few studios. Ahhhhh. That leaves me a not-too-long window of no personalized pilates classes. This timing is perfect. I have no sentimentality towards studios. It’s the instructors I appreciate. I only need studios to be clean, maintain their equipment and preferably be located in a convenient venue in my schedule.

With K's academic background in science, and professional training in anatomy and pilates, and her keen interest and continued training for trail running and Ironman events, I appreciate her approach to pilates for clients. Since she's continuing with teaching, then I'm sticking with her. A studio swap is not a big deal. It took me a long time to find a suitable instructor whom I trust wholly, and one who understands what my body needs.

For our final class, we did a ladder barrel walkover slow and easy. I had full arm and shoulder stability, lots of control in the abs and the hips. I felt every muscle and bone working in sync. It was absolutely glorious. I'm going to hold on to this feeling for a loooong time. I would love to be able to do this again.

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