Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Father's Day Lunch at Dolce Vita

Took the parentals out to lunch at Mandarin Oriental's Dolce Vita, where food is easy on their stomachs. Its bright and casual vibes made for a happy meal. The only drawback- the Sunday set menu for lunch isn’t as exciting as their usual a la carte selections. That would be available on Sundays at dinner only, and week days.

There's a bar for antipasti, cheese and cold cuts, but overall selection is still limited. We weren't looking for a buffet, otherwise we'd have gone downstairs to Melt. What was listed on the menu was sufficient for a simple meal. I ate a whole batch of delicious heirloom tomatoes from the salad basket.

The parentals are renovating their kitchen, and they'd have to eat out for the month. While I'd have loved to cook for the man's parents, it would have to be at least a week more before I could even invite them over for coffee. I'm iffy about asking them to sit down to a meal at our table. They don't do well with close contact with dogs or cats, or the idea of pet hair in their food. LOL I keep the kitchen sanitary, but it's an open area—no doors, no walls. So I guess we'll stick to having meals outside, till Choya socializes more and when on her home turf, learns not to terrorize visitors who aren't quite sure about her.

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