Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Christmas Dinner

When the BFF is back in town for a very short window, I demanded her presence at home for a simple Christmas dinner. I don't get to see her very much during this season; her travel schedule is mad and she's off again for two months. I won't fully miss her though. Hahaha. However, I will hear her a lot, and receive various instructions via detailed texts. 😬

Braised a three-hour beef and pork ragù to layer over pasta. We also made sous vide pork tenderloin that was finished on the grill and came out beautifully pink in the center. The meats were accompanied by plenty of baby spinach with no dressing. We separately reduced a brown butter garlic sauce for the pork, and that more than made up for any lack of dressing in the vegetables. #ImpieCooks2019

BFF brought an easy bottle of a winter junmai (冬純米セ、大雪渓酒造) from Daisekkei Sake Brewing that was excellent. As much as we love cheese, we skipped doing a cheese platter because there was dessert. The dessert box held many pieces of strawberry shortcake from Glacé and a nice big box of juicy Japanese ichigo. It was a beautiful night.

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