Saturday, December 21, 2019

Choya's Last Day at School in 2019

And just like that, Choya has been with us for six months, turned two years old and has attended five months of weekly play school at Sunny Heights. I love how efficient the staff of Sunny Heights are when it comes to arranging transport and such. They know all their dogs and the owners, and take the trouble to text us updates of what our dogs get up to at school. They're so practiced at taking photos of dogs in motion that every shot is sterling.

Play school has done her a world of good. She's an excellent swimmer, and can keep up with the walks. Her paw pads have toughened up and the licking isn't a compulsion anymore. She gets to socialize with different dogs every week. Her handlers tell me that she generally gets along well with other dogs, made some fweeends, learnt pack etiquette and is constantly reminded of it. Pack walks have taught her discipline and reinforced leash training.

She also found her favorite handlers in PC and V. Hahaha. I love them too. They're hilarious. She loves her walks and swims with them. They haven't complained that she is naughty to them. If she is, she'd be smacked when she comes home. Her handlers are superb lah. At the beginning, it was with a lot of trepidation that I placed Choya in there. It was blind faith in the friends' recommendation and center's professionalism. Now, they have my full trust.

Choya went for her last class of 2019, and I'm putting her on a 'Momma-declared school holiday' till January. She had a ball of a time because there was finally a welcomed break in the rain and they could go out to the parks. The sunshine and cooler year-end temperatures made it comfortable for dogs and humans to do a loooong walk in relative comfort. Till 2020 then, Sunny Heights.

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