Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Blessings

I wouldn't go on about the joy of being infused with the Holy Spirit. I'm not into that. How I walk this path is my decision alone, and that decision, is guided by His Light. I have joy in my heart and faith in the season. I count my blessings.

I have much to be thankful for this year. There have been illnesses, deaths, sadness, tragedy and pain. As it is with every season of life, we will manage it with grace and love. It has been a year of changes for me too, and angst wrought by the arrival of a Choya. I'm grateful for my friends. Our seasons of life change and shift, but our friendship remains firm. I hope these gems stay in my life for years to come.

A Blessed Christmas to you, you and you.

[29] For the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. 
~ Epistle of St Paul to the Romans 11:29, Douay-Rheims

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