Friday, January 10, 2020

Almost 12

The Auyongs printed a family tote to give away to friends over the festive period. I got one! I can never have too many of them. I can use them for everything. When they're washable, they're great as shopping bags and to carry whatever extra things there are on a random day.

Glad Y and I found time to meet, chat and have a few coffees together over the year-end festive period. Both of us have maintained a rather flexible work schedule over the past decade, and we have always made time for each other. On an afternoon during the new school term, we arranged for a late lunch so that Missy could join us too. As Missy grows up, managing her expanding schedule of activities is challenging for the parents who're also juggling plenty of work.

In a blink, Missy is a tween. She turns 12 this year. She's a student councilor who's being trained to work in committees to organize and arrange events alongside the teachers-in-charge; she's understanding the ways of the world, and generally doing loads of growing up in a safe environment where she has been entrusted with responsibilities that she could fulfill well. She'll be sitting for her PSLE at the end of the year. Wow. Years do fly by. I've watched her grow from a tiny bump to a babbling baby then a curious toddler, and now a tween who shows much promise as an individual and as one who could contribute to the community. I know she'll do fine for her year-end examinations because she's pretty much self-motivated. I'm very proud of this not-so-little girl.

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