Thursday, January 02, 2020


Can't believe the man bothered to go shopping in Tokyo to buy the dog a yukata. Hahahah. At least he's clever to pick a design without flowers and not in pink. I disapprove of Choya wearing those colors. Ugh. Kept it away for months because I wouldn't normally let her wear clothing. It doesn't always look cute. Often, it just looks dumb. It's so hot in Singapore and to add on another piece of fabric to her double coat is just silly.

Cackled when I put Choya in a yukata for the first day of 2020. She didn't struggle when I put it on. She was bewildered but she didn't seem uncomfortable in it. She still laid down and rolled around. Oof. She wore the yukata to her grandpawrents before heading to the friends' for dinner. But we had to remove the cumbersome fabric when we got to the friends' home so that she could run around with the huskies and her favorite German Shepherd.

Choya hasn't been doing too well sleeping on her own in the nights. Her separation anxiety has eased; she isn't as anxious anymore, but she still cries a little through the night. She doesn't do it for hours on end, but she sniffles every hour for about five minutes. She trembles so violently when we send her out and put her to bed each night. She stares at us with those big big eyes, almost as though she's asking "Please let me stay here, momma and daddy. PLEASE." 

So the man upgraded the dog's sleeping arrangements on New Year's Eve. This will be a permanent arrangement because the dog wouldn't do well being thrown out of the room again. Tsk tsk. Once you set a precedent, it's difficult to rescind it. In the nights, she now sleeps with us in the bedroom (on the floor, on her mats) with the door ajar so that she could wander out at will, and to get to her water bowl. We zipped out to buy a thick yoga mat to place on the parquet flooring to muffle the sounds of her paws go clickety-click on it. She has been quiet so far and hasn't woken me up. However, given her history of fur shedding, paw chomping (till blood flows) and letting out a piece of poop every now and then when she's in deep sleep, I'm not sure what to feel about having her sleep in the bedroom. 😒😑

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