Wednesday, January 01, 2020

2020 :: A New Decade

It’s nice to wake up on January 1 of a new decade without a hangover. Gone are the nights of excessive partying and drinking. Moderation has been key for the past few years. Last night’s champagne was good. The company was even more delightful. We crawled out of bed at 8am and took the dog out to Bishan Park. The sun was blazing but a breeze stirred continuously. In the shade, it was cool. It made for a lovely hour at the park.

It’s one of those years when we’re in town for the season. Mainly because of the dog. It is Choya’s first Christmas and New Year with us. Of course she doesn’t know it, but she was happy following us around on house visits and such. Also, she had a windfall of cheese given by the friends who awesomely checked with us if it was okay to feed her. (There wasn't any shitsplosion, thank God.) I believe Choya now equates house visits with the chance to quaff Very Good cheese.

To be honest, I was exhausted and had no inclination to make cute little food items to complete an osechi-ryori for even two humans for New Year's Day lunch. I had planned to buy jubako in October but I was so crazy busy that I didn't. I could have ordered takeaway boxes from Meidi-ya or Keyaki, but I didn't. I still wanted to whip up some food that wouldn't require too much effort. Decided to warp tradition with a one-bowl meal.

What I could easily do, is to prep an ikura and uni don. I had time to buy a superbly fresh sack of salmon skein. It wasn't difficult to separate skein from roe. Then I cured the roe in a dashi brine to make ikura. It turned out reasonably tasty. Bought a gorgeous box of uni a day ago. I also bought chirimen, tofu, nori and such. Cooked up a little rice. We had a simple ikura and uni don for our New Year's Day brunch. #ImpieCooks2020

新年おめでとうございます! 皆様のご健康をお祈り申し上げます。


Cavalock said...

Keyaki does takeaways???

imp said...

for the new year bento, they said they did.... dunno about next year...

likewise, meidi-ya's new year bento is a special order and pick-up. it requires a week's advance order. btw, meidi-ya at liang court is closing end Feb.

Cavalock said...

Ah ok, thought they did bento takeaways of their menu stuff. Lol...yah, I know, wait long long...