Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Aerobic and the Anaerobic

For these last ten days of 2019, I'm on a break from weights and HIIT classes at the gym (it's kinda closed anyway), as well as pilates and gyro classes (my instructors are away). I simply continue with the stretches at home; press-ups and planks are easy.

The weigh-in during the first week of August made me roll eyes, and I dutifully tried to gain weight with good carbs and a reasonable amount of protein. It has been four months. At one of the last few HIIT classes of the year, I did a final weigh-in for 2019. 46.6 kg. I'll round that up to 47 kg, and I'm still underweight. Obviously I didn't try hard enough to pile on the pounds. 🤨

To gain weight, I need protein. I can't justify that much protein intake. (No protein powder. Never.) I like my current diet very much. I don't want to change it at all. I don't exactly want to eat that much till I get indigestion. I don't even feel like making slight changes. There has to be a significant reduction for my intake of red meat (I can't up it), and uhhh alcohol. So I did those. But I'm not fond of other meats, so I lay off. I still take fish, of course. I don't drink as much nowadays, but apparently I still drink too much for my oncologist's liking. Grrrrr.

A brief hiatus from the exercise regime to heal from two types of biopsy in May and June emphasized on the importance of being limber. Health is something I never take for granted. While we have the will to control the lifestyle and food intake, most of our health is in God's hands. Exercise can only do so much, but it's better than nothing at all.

This exercise regime continues in the new year. Aerobic and anaerobic exercises are both essential. I'm not looking to take part in any races or whatever. I want to maintain the same level of fitness. I certainly don't mind gaining strength in a reasonable way. My goals remain the same, to build and maintain muscles, and keep the core strong and flexible.

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