Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Need To Gain Weight

Before I flew out to Perth, I checked out the weighing scale. It would be the first weigh in 2019. I dutifully removed the sweater, shoes, watch, phone and such. Then blinked at the results. 46.4 kg??!!! WHAT THE. What did I do to have lost 5kg?! The dog?! Just by simply adding in 3km daily walks?!

No wonder I've been struggling just a little with 8.5kg-a-side weights at GRIT™ Strength! It was puzzling how a 1-kg increase in weights from the usual 7.5-kg-a-side would feel so heavy. If I keep losing weight, I won't ever be able to lift 10-kg-a-side! ARRRRRRGGGH.

I declared that I need to put on weight and I ate, ate and ate. Well, I didn't exactly eat junk food. I'm not supposed to be eating so much red meat. In fact, I'm supposed to down the intake to the minimum. Beef is uhhh my favorite, so I save the quota for the trip. But I didn't eat as much beef as I would have liked. I did indulge in a many bars of superbly delicious KitKat Dark Ecuador Cote D'Ivoire (that Singapore supermarkets don't seem to stock).

Easily resumed the regular exercise routine of gym and pilates, and walking the dog. Two days after I flew home, I hopped onto the weighing scale. To my utter dismay, the screen read 47.1 kg. REALLY? After all the food and I put on a mere 700 grams. Only. Not even 1 kg?! OKAAAAY. I'm gonna have to eat more protein in the form of fish and if my allergies permit, include my most hated chicken.

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